Tuesday, August 12

Till We Meet Again, Pak Itam...

I did write in my previous post that my uncle will be going to Jeddah for his new job. Well, he'll be going definitely but not as planned, it is a week earlier...like tomorrow, August 13,2008.

This post is exclusively for him.

Take care my dear uncle, till we meet again someday, insyallah... I will try to be there but if I could not make it all the best and my pray goes to you. Send us update everytime and please please please...keep your blog updated so I have something to tell everybody bout your life there.

I am excited, as excited as him, maybe more. I am happy for him tho' of course a bit sad but hey, it is for the best. We have always find a way to be better and to be better means to leave your family, so be it!

I wish him all the best and hope luck is always on his side....

For Pak Itam....our love will be with you where ever you are. May god bless your journey and most of all your dream.

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