Tuesday, February 21

30 going to 31

Well, yes it is actually depressing to even remember I am actually 30 years old last year. That was last year! and this year the age will be 1 year more. How depressing is that? less then 10 years, I'm gonna be freaking 40 uolls! They keep telling age is just a number. Yes, to whoever said that but not to me... age is not just a number. Age means is how wise you will be in making choices, decisions or any of that sort. The more you age, the wiser you must be. Am I? 

Honestly, i could not answer that. I think I did make some bad choices, wrong decisions and yes some right ones. But I learn from it. I'm still the same me guess older me. I still could not believe it will be less than a week I will be leaving this age and I will be entering new age, new phase of my life. 

30 have been giving me so much i could not bring everything with me. Some will be left as memories, some will be with me. I want to leave this age as wise as i could be, tho' i know i sometimes could be annoying spoiled brat but i wish i will change for the better and i could face every obstacle calmer and with positive thought! 

17th Feb, tho it is still 11 days away... Thanks friends for being there for me. For taking your time off and celebrating the day with me and Intan. We could never thank you enough. We might not be as closest, we might fight from time to time, we might disagree, we might shout at each other but I know we will have each other back when in need. Thanks girls! Thanks for all the gift, the cakes and the gossips! 

Thanks for the love, the friendship and more importantly thanks for being there after all this years. 15 years and still counting... may we last forever and grew old together. Love you, girls! 

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