I have to admit I am not good at keeping promise to myself. I thought I'm going to write more last year but the fact is I wrote even less. One post a year??!!! This is hilarious! So this might be one and only post this year. Hahaha!
I am still the same, still single but luckily not alone. Pretty much same where I left off. Happy and now happier. I still been asked with the same question and I hope one day I could give different answer but if you ask me at this moment, this exact second... I will definitely give you the same old answer.
Well no, I am not seeing anyone and yes I am still feel I am blessed to been living this life. We could never have everything we want in life. Well, if you have then you must be the luckiest person ever! One day, it will come sooner or later but I think it is not me who worried the most. It is mostly others around me. What's with the question that they already know the answer. I wish I could predict the future and tell them I will be married maybe just maybe when I turned 60? Or maybe this year? I wish i could tell them but if I could predict the future maybe I won't be here today?
What if we could predict the future? Wouldn't it be great to know everything about your future. Wouldn't it? Do you ever think if you know about your future would you be living the same way you live now or you would live it differently. I will be lying if I say I will be living the same way I'm living now. Total lies. I will definitely live it better. How I wish we could correct every mistakes or undo all the mistakes we did.
I don't say I regret the life I'm living now. Not even a bit but it is no harm to makes it a better life. This is 2015, I am getting older and I know for the past years I might hurt others and others might hurt me. I wish this year I'll be a better person, better muslim, better daughter, better friends and being better in everyway. I will not wish for something I could not achieve and I know I tend to do things halfway but I will try this year to be a better me.
I believe before we could accept someone in our life, we need to accept ourselves. The way we see ourselves it is how people see us. So let me know mys
elf, love myself enough before I could love other people. So, please let me just be....ME...
ni je yang nak ditulis? ni je? pfft ahhahahaha
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