Thursday, January 19

Single...what's the big deal?

Well, let's see. I have been single for almost 7 years now. Totally unattached to anyone. I have never been single so long i have forgotten how is to be with myself after my last broke up. I admit, first few months it get lonely and sometimes i do miss my X. Sometimes i wanted to reply him and tell him i will accept him eventually but i know we will be better separated.

I'm getting used to it now. Well I do admit every now and then i do feel, i want to have someone but then again need and want are not the same things. i may want that things but i dont think i need it now. I may want it cause i saw everyone having their partner. But do i want to live my life as miserable as before?

At this age, as older as I'm getting now (yes, older) I had enough of this headache or heartache. I am happy. I am content. I dont need anyone to tell me what i can or can't do. I hate being control by emotions tho' i know being a pisces. I am emotional. But being with someone the emotional stress is different. I dont like to worried bout things that may or may not happen.

I do have feelings, and yes I have crushes now and then but it's just crush. Temporary infatuation or temporary feeling thatI dont think it will lead to anything or anywhere. I do have guy friends that is close or not so close. Married or not married. I dont know how but we have built beautiful platonic relationship that does not base on feelings. I like guys dont get me wrong but I dont think i am currently looking for one right now.

I do admint, it get lonely sometimes but i'm used to it and now i know how to occupy myself. Well, i believe there is someone for everyone. How soon or how near if it will be it will be but at this point of time in my life I feel bless and I am not currently looking for someone to fill the spot in my heart. It's still vacant but it is filled with love for everyone near and close.

Just one day, maybe one day it will happen but if it won't, what's the freaking big deal?

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