Well. first and foremost...I think this year is the year that my brother and sister race themselves to the altar. Why? Why everyone need to get married in the same year? Penat tau tak?
Tho' i still HATE (yes, HATE) my brother's fiance but I'm helping him because he is my brother. And I love my brother...Afterall, blood is thicker than water.
The initial plan is my sister and I (just the two of us) will be flying to Jakarta this Friday to pick up her wedding souvenirs. But now, it become 5 of us. Yes, five F.I.V.E. Who? My friend, Cipah (yang memang always sebok tu), my mom and my auntie (Mak Intan yang cute mute). My brother is paying for my mom and my auntie as he need them to buy things for his wedding as well.
So, after a lot of negotiation and arguments, I manage to book them a seat on KLM. Well different flight with us. Nak mampos MAS fares already RM900++ per person whilst KLM 370++ per person. Actually RM299 but when I click yes, the fare become higher. (That's why some people say buying flight ticket is like stock market) But still lower than MAS la...
Well, I think if you all want to go to Jakarta the best choice is KLM. It actually cheaper and you don't have to pay to check in your luggage cos they give you allowance up to 20 kilos. And furthermore, it's comfy. (For me la, maybe others have different opinion)
At least my mom will be with my auntie so takde la dia takut sangat. Yes, my mom ni memang penakut... They will arrive and check in first whilst we will be arriving later at night.
So tak sabar nak merayau and have some time off from work...
Jakarta..here I come (macam tak pernah pergi, hehhe!!!)
ee cakap mak intannn , nak itoot
why arent u updating ezany???
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