Remember I did write about my cousin who suffered cancer stage 4? Well, at 4.15am Sunday Jan 11, 2009 she lost her fight. Kak Tura has met with her creator that day, al fatihah.
She has fight well and our pray is with her all the way.
Kak Tura, you will be missed.
Salam ezany,
actually all of us will be missed her soon.This will make us to remember Allah, we will meet Him soon!
How's your (Nana) preparation for Bunga telur and Weddg cards? Remember to scan and put in your blog.Your Pak Itam send regards to u all
Ho Ho Ho...
nana dah nak kahwin ke? hehe great to hear that congrats to her ok, btw winnie is getting married this year as well and guess what its on mid may.
Guess we two sisters will be busy eh..
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