It's fun to at least know about somebody and someone at least once in a while for a change. I am maze on how people can make money using their blog. It's the best way to earn a living while doing something you love. You just have to write about yourself, your life, your thought, your hope and voila! somebody really paid you for that. I might not be the one...I can't write well maybe craps and I am lazy to think about what to write, even I'm not lazy to think but i will be lazy to type...duh!
Despite all the popularity and the publicity (blame me cos not being up to date!) I came accross to this one blog. Which by the way, is a hit among all the bloggers and even have its own publicity with the media.
Written by a gorgeous mom with 2 kids who love no...crayzeee about the colour RED. The blog is red, not only that the house, the clothes and mostly everything bout her is red. I applaud her, for writing about something she love, writing about whatever she thinks worth to write and writing bout something that cross her mind. I applaud her for that. There might be some people who could not understand her writing. Not because she wirte bombastic words but because the language she use are mostly malay words. I applaud her for that too, for using the mother tongue and proud of that. One thing bout this hot momma, keep on writing, keep on doing whatever you are doing. It surely give you a lot!
People, come and cherish her blogs...(If you never come accross before)
I know you will love it, just like me! :)
duh jangan la puji lelebih sayang oi
it s only my stupid craps of writing, n thanks for the promotion of redmummy.com
yes i m indeed need to work hard to become a full time blogger!
**my detector alarms bout you!
Hi kak Red,
Well..what an honour to have your comment in my blog. Mana ada puji lelebih..kan ke betul tu...:) Keep it up ya, Kak Red! so I will always have something to read and ponder upon...hehehe!
muahsssss back...
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