I'm tired. Tired. For me, our lives in this small planet call earth are short. We shoud enjoy and spend the life we have experiencing everything the world have to offer. I know there are a few dare to do anything, everything....
Me? I'm not a very brave person. I can try and will try but not to the extreme. Well, at least I've been into roller coaster ride. (that is scary, nerve wrecking ride for me) It is not the way you spend your life, it is the person you spend it with, that it all that matters. I can just sit at home doing nothing if i can be with my family all day. For me, it is time well spent and it is the moment i cherish. Being with the persons i love most, my blood and flesh. It all that matters...that's it. But, seems it is too much to ask these days. No, no...we love each other very well. Well enough but it is the commitment, the job and our own life schedule we have makes it impossible.
My friends tell me, i'm overprotective. Well, i admit...i am. But there is times i can be easy and i can give and take and accept person as what they are. My beloved brother (whom I love very dearly) got engage last month. I really want to be apart of everything. Being the always 'sibuk' kakak. But what really disappoint me and make me refrain myself to even ask bout the engagement is the girl he been with. The way she clinging on my brother neck, control his every step and the best part the way she be have with my parents through SMS. How dare she used vulgar words to my dad? How dare she disturb all my siblings including me? How dare she call herself a malay woman if she could not respect elderly? How dare she expect us to respect her? I am disappointed. Truly disappointed.
I can't lie and tell myself everything will be ok. I am crushed to see my brother throwing his life for the one who does not deserve. Yes, it is not my life for me to poke my head in...but tell me please..it is not right for me to do what i am doing now? Ignoring the fiancee. Yucks! I can't even say it outloud. If someone, anyone can see how worthless the girl is then i know you will understand when i say my brother deserve someone better. Much...much better.
Yes, it is not good to hate people so much but it is what you have to do when the people you hate is someone who does not worth to be loved. I pray..pray to god that 1 day he knows what i'm (not me alone mind you...99.9% of family members does not agree. 0.1% have to force themselves to agree) trying to do and how much love i have for him.
For the girl, if she ever read this (if she can read English which i doubt she can) open your eyes and see... we are not welcoming you. ( I know it harsh and yes, i want to be harsh) . You are never welcome before or even after. Throw away your mask as it's getting ugly. And don't bother changing your worn mask as your colour is as ugly as your mask.
Shit....now i feel shit....hurm!
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