Friday, December 26
Friday is quiet...
I must say, even though I am not celebrating Christmas, watching the movies during Christmas day I have been influence on the existence of santa. Wonder where I'll be put in this year, naughty or nice list?
Isn't it nice to have a santa that can give you everything you dream of? Be it a barbie or a huuuuuugeee teddy bear that you could not even hug. But of course, there is no santa and there is no man entering your house through the chimney except if you have a chimney that can fit a man you might woke up with a burglar inside your house.
I wish life is as simple as that. I wish life is just beautiful wheneve we wake up in the morning. I wish life is easy peasy. But no, life is not beautiful and we could not expect we woke up every morning with fresh breath, beautiful smile and without hangover from last night drinking.
Life is full of lies, jealousy, manipulation and selfishness. We must admit even the nicest ol' goody two shoes have this bad attitude stashed in their heart. I admit, I do have this and I believe everbody has. It only a matter whether you want to show it or not.
I wanted to leave 2008 by remembering all the sweet little things that happen and I wanted to throw every single bitterness behind. I know, it is impossible to forget but at least I want to store it somewhere and hoping I could forget about it forever.
I will post a blog about new year but not in this blog. This blogs was written out of boredom and sleepless night I have for the past few days. Am I imsomniac?
Wednesday, December 24
Wedding Daze...Puzzled?

I'm so in the mood for wedding. Well, fortunately not for me but for my beloved sister. Yes, it is still a long way to go. It planned to be in June next year but the feeling is already here, NOW!
Wawa and me have taken the responsibility to organise the wedding. Not that we have a lot of experience but we are trying. We want the wedding to be simple but memorable thus the song choice of course also important to make the guest feeling that they also in love.
We were in Dewan Tun Rahah yesterday observing the venue and what I can say, if the ballroom is the chosen one. I have no complaint. It is absolutely stunning and so kena with our theme.
We want the wedding fill with flowers, candles and love...I'm writing like it is my wedding but my sister have given me her whole trust to organise her wedding that she is accepting all of our suggestions. Thank god, I don't have a fussy sister.
Well, this is the first sibling who is getting married hence that's why it is so....happening!!
Well, there's one problem. Only one but a major one! As some of you readers might know, my parent have divorce for the last 10 years. Having a stone headed mom make us really in dilemma. This is the first family members getting married (our family) so it is important that my mom attend that celebration. But as most of the friends, family and also groom family in KL we decided the event to be in KL instead of her hometown.
I think this is fair since the nikah performance will be in Malacca her hometown. But, NO! She could not accept this. She want everything to be in Malacca which is now not fair for the other side of family, my dad! She even saiid that she will not be attending the wedding because of this. Btw, my brother engangement day was held in Malacca which is sadly, my dad has not been informed. Sad, isn't it?
It is so sad and devastated to see my sister have to go through this situation and it is sad that my mom did not put herself in her situation. Financial wise and feeling wise.
For me, you have been divorce, yes! Your heart broken, yes! but it was 10 years ago for god sake. Fine, if you could not forget about it. But is it fair to make your child a victim. I think this is what they say, when parents divorce the children will be the victim.
Compromise is always needed. Yes, we understand her feeling but she too need to understand about my sister feeling. I am sad and devastated. We have tried a lot but we still could not see the way out. I hope somebody or anybody can tell me what to do!!!
My sister need our mom to be there and to open her heart for once...
I'm stuck at the dead end road.
Wednesday, December 17
My New old Babies
New Year Post Depression Syndrome
I did wrote last month that I have resigned from my long time work. Yes, at one point I did think that I'll be there working forever but... I think the pressure after four years is suddenly become so unbearable. I could not and I would not want to imagine.
This is the proof I am so tense that I made a foooool of myself

So, I decided to get out of that red zone and go back to my sanity. And here I am, after serving my month notice. I woke up late everyday, got nothing to do and make a fool of myself at home. So, what am I complaining? Nothing, I am completely at ease.
Wait, no... I actually complaining. I need something to make me busy. I need something to make me occupied. The old job, yes they call me back and all but for now I need to lay it somewhere behind my mind. I don't think I'm up for the old job that I left.
meantime, I will try to occupy myself with lots lots lots of movies.
Wednesday, November 26
Ziryab Gala Dinner

Remember last July I did mentioned about this event? Yes, the event is here now.
For those who in love with Arabic music, you must love Nawal and Abdullah Roweished... thus do make yourself free on 13th December 2008 for their first ever appearance in Malaysia.
For any enquiries, please call RPE office at 03-2031 6606/2031 1606.
Wednesday, November 19
Where Have I been?
And I have been infected. I am lazy. Very lazy. I can doze off while looking at the computer or worst, even when I am actually typing something. I need to pull myself together. I hate myself this way. Even looking at the mirror at my own self makes me disgusted.
Wake me up, please! I need to get out of this lazy state of mind.
BTw, Khadijah Ibrahim concert in Philharmonic was awesome!!!! I love every second of it!
Wednesday, November 12
I'm Back!!
I admit life been to busy and time is too jealous of me it take away all the freedom I have to be able to write. In a simple understandable word, I'm too busy even to check my mailbox.
There are a lot of things happening, the not so good things, I have resigned from my 4 years job. Why? It's because of me. I feel I'm going nowhere and I cant's stand doing the same thing, looking the same work. I need a breath of fresh air. I need something to get me going. I need some adventure. Not that I have any job now. To tell you the truth, I'm still living the moment. Let me rest for a while. Let me be a lazy bone for a moment. I need that before I start my new fully rested engine. Probably new year is the best time to run full speed huh?
The good news, I have just addopted two little cute kittens. I'm a mommy now!!! Yes, I know but I dont have any husband for me to be able to have my own babies and I don't like to take care other people kids, so I adopt 2 kittens. And, these two are enough to keep me occupied.
Now, before going back to working I must complete my license (Yes, driving license isn't it a pity? I'm 27 and still have not been able to drive) and most importantly I have to register for my 2nd sem that I have missed.
Oh, by the way I have just came back from beautiful Indonesia and having a blast with my fren and my abah. I wanted to post the pics but it's not with me. Cipah, please let me have the pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Till then, I need to go and feed my babies!
Monday, October 6
Raya 2008

It's been +/- 2 weeks since my last blog. Tho' my last blog is a short one but it is still a blog...:p.
We or muslim celebrated Aidilfitri or Eid on 1st of October this year. Yes, it is still wonderful, the gathering with family and all but it is a bit quite compare to last year or last few years. Is it because of me? I'm getting older and had enough of the eid celebration? I really don't think so. Surprisingly very few nenek or atuk in my kampung still giving me duit raya! hahaha!! My mom said they are all rabun. (Maybe, cos my younger sister tak dapat, hehe!)
I celebrated my first day of raya in Jasin, Malacca. As usual, we have all sort of rendang and ketupat which is different from Negeri Sembilan, they serve lemang and rendang daging. All the relatives, except for Pak Ngah & Family (they are in Putrajaya with their daughter who is in the hospital) and Pak Itam (who is in KSA) were here in Malacca. Unlike in Negeri Sembilan, we woke up at 6.30am (my mom being a mom huh...)
This year, I get a visit from my colleague. Thanks guys! Thanks for taking all the trouble and thanks for coming to my humble house, chewah! Maaf kalau terkurang, terkasar, termasin or termarah, hehhee!! They drove all they way to my hometown from KL. I could not ask for more...I'm deeply touch and appreciate all the sacrifice they make. Thanks a lot! (Btw, Jac there is no rendang udang for raya and I don't think it is ever existed)
I wanted to post the pictures I have (tho' only a few cos my camera rosak tengah jalan, huh! Benci betul!) but I guess it will be delay.
As for second day of raya, we ('we' means me and my sisters) are off to my dad's hometown in Juasseh, Negeri Sembilan. Same ol' same ol', same house, same routine and same biscuit!
To avoid traffic, we drove back to KL on 3rd day of raya. Oh, what a wonderful empty road...
As I said earlier, this raya is a bit quiet. Is it because of the finacial crisis? The political crisis? Or the food crisis? Which I don't think so...hurmmm...why ah? Tell me why?
Friday, September 26
.:: Selamat Hari Raya ::.

Wednesday, September 17
Raya Sale! Sale! Sale!
Valiram Group Malaysia's Luxury Goods Retailer is having SALE!

Monday, September 15
Malaysian...Are We?

Tuesday, September 9
I have no idea
I'll be back.
Saturday, September 6
Dream can come true....

Tuesday, August 26
Be strong, Kak Tura...U can Get through This

Saturday, August 23
It is definitely ON!
Friday, August 22
Fasting month...
Alhamdulillah...another year of fasting and another year of blessing. Hopefully this Eid will bring more blessing and hopefully will bring more joyous to everybody.
I will be heading to Malacca to celebrate the coming of Ramadhan and at least I can start my fasting month at my mom's place. And where are your destination first of Ramadhan? Back to your hometown or just at home....
* Btw, went to Pulse last Friday with Hajar and guess who with us? Jengjengjeng....Farid Kamil......
Wednesday, August 20
Avril Lavigne, what's so SEXY?

Thursday, August 14
God, forgive me for my ignorance...

Wednesday, August 13

Tuesday, August 12
Till We Meet Again, Pak Itam...
Saturday, August 9
Pak Itam, You must Love Me! - Nuffnang Gift Ideas
Well, my gift idea will be a Canon Digital Video Camcorder DVD DC220 for my loving, caring and adorable uncle well not that adorable but bolehla...(puji lebih sikitkan, mana tahu...hehehe)
Help Me!!!

Wednesday, August 6
Ziryab Postpone?
Those who have been to the first concert, how is it? Despite the delay, I think the show is not disappointing tho' some of the fans attitude is driving our security up to the wall. Let us leave the 1st event.
As for the 2nd even, most of you know it will be today however due to some urgent matters with the artist, we could not make it today.
Yes, Ziryab been postpone to after eid. Don't worry, we will still have the same artist tho' not the same date.
Hope to see you soon!
Tuesday, July 29
Middle East My View

This is all because of the event. This is all because of it. Well, hopefully all worth while though we belive it is.
Despite all the headache we gone through, the artist will definitely arrived tomorrow morning. When I said morning, it really is very early morning. Around 6am. You could not believe how far people can be when they know they are celebrity. Eventho' they might be famous around middle east...but well you can't blame there middle east is really is a mass market. Compare to Malaysia, duh!
As a Malaysian, I will say I rather impress with their voice. Yes, the male singer especially they might not have the face, but the voice....well Hussain Al Jasmi especially. He really have that golden voice. The voice you wanted to hear while tuck yourself in at night, the voice that is wow! compare to the rest. Well, this is only my 2 cent thoughts after listening to his song almost 8 hours everyday.
And for the female, yes, most of them Lebanese (well, the one I know and the one we bring in) and yes most of them have whole lot of surgery done and yes, they indeed are too beautiful and Well, yes they are revealingly sexy. But of all that, they have the voice. The manja-manja voice. I bet most guys like them because of this. Who doesn't huh?
But at least this experience have open my eyes to other music culture, if last time I thought middle eastern music is mostly nasyid or same as most Malaysian thought that middle eastern woman suppose to wear hijab at least now, we can open our eyes and look at middle east differently.
For a start, no not everybody wear hijab and no, you are not required to wear the abayya or hijab when you visit middle east. And yes, they sing modern song and not only nasyid and yes, not all middle east is muslim.
I'm actually still in the office and steal a bit of my time writing this blog.
As the terms is stealing, I need to go and to do the unfinished business I have waiting for me....Till then...
Monday, July 28
Ziryab is nearer
If you all still thinking, grab your chance while it last. For sure it will be most memorable event of the year.
And 1 more important thing, the ticket is seriously cheap compare than their concert tickets in middle east. What you waiting for then?
Come, let's celebrate together...
Event I
Date: 1st August 2008
Artist: Rola Saad, Hussein Al Jasmi & Toni Qattan
Venue: Planery Hall KLCC
Ticket: RM150-RM400
Event II
Date: 6th August 2008
Artist: Nawal Al Zoghbi, Abdullah Rwaishid & Mayssam Nahas
Venue: Planery Hall KLCC
Ticket: RM150-RM400
See you there....
Monday, July 21
Fly Away

I indeed need a really long break. Yes, I need a break. I need to fly. Fly somewhere, anywhere, anyplace. I'm dead bored...
I'm tired and yes, I get bored doing something seriously really easily. I want to get away. Oh, please...For the past few days I've been browsing, surfing, go through all possible website in the internet. To dream...dream that I could fly to someplace nice and get away.
I really need to get away...I need to breath new air. Seriously, I've been to Indonesia last few years but I do feel I want to go there again this year. Any suggestion? Why? Well, it's indeed a nice place although the traffic jam is a killer during peak hours and the amount of people in the street trying to sell you something is actually quite annoying but I do enjoy my stay there.
Simply because, everything is cheap cheap cheap especially the shopping...Oh, and not only in Jakarta the other best place to shop, shop, shop is also in Bandung. It is nice, nice, nice. Most likely, Jakarta is my place again this year...well most likely.
Gosh, I do hope I can fly there away from the hectic things in my life...Please let me get away...please, please, please...
Wednesday, July 9
Ziryab 2008 Definitely...

Nawal Al-Zoghbi
Hussein Al-Jasmy
Toni Qattan
Mayssam Nahas

Abdullah Al Rowaished
Thursday, July 3
I know..I's more than a month (maybe two?) but I can't help the lazy disease that attacking my body now.
Today, I gather all the strength to save this picture.
Here goes the link...
Monday, June 30

Saturday, June 28
I fell in love!
I know, I know, you will tell me it is an old song but hell, since when love know it is new or old? I try to find this song high and low. See, how rajin am I today?
As today I'm a bit rajin...I wanted to share this song with all of you (if anyone ever read my blog) Here goes,
Friday, June 27
Frankie J- Don't Wanna Try
Jacq, please appreciate my sweat and tears of finding this song for you...:) can show your appreciation by buying me Avril tickets???? Can? Can? Can? *Manja-manja smile* :)))
Monday, June 23
Shayne Ward-Breathless
Jacq, what you waiting for...grab it and satisfy your thirst! hehe!
Saturday, June 21
Ziryab 2008?
Well, maybe most of you thought what is Ziryab. It is the event organised by the sister company I'm working now. I'm actually in shipping company whilst there is one more company doing 100% event and entertainment. Strange isn't it?
Last year was a blast! We have flown popular and vast singers from middle east and 3 concert was held in KL convention centre. Nuff said, if you all need additional info, you can always browse thru our website
This year? Of course it will be as vast as last year. Nope, it will be more than that! It will be a bomb! Want to see which artist will be coming to KL? Sorry, tho I know but it will be a surprise! Can't tell...:)
For all of you who in love with middle eastern artist, don't forget to check this event out. I guarantee will not regret!
Can't wait to have fun! Fun! Fun!
P/S: Of course...we also will be having 5 star malaysian artist...muah!
Tuesday, June 3

I have encountered few situation where people have to lie cause of no reason. None! And in return, they start losing everything in life. One after another. Yes, truth is always painful but it is the truth! And for saying the truth, you will earn people's respect. Well, maybe before that some of them will start whatever unpleasant things as a human being. But it is the consequences have to be taken. For me, I believe in saying the truth. If need be, I'll lie but maybe white lies...usually it is always end up with the truth.
Whatever they call it, an excuse, escape a lie is still a lie. It is just a plain way to cover mistakes. Be a man about it and face the truth, I'm sure there will be a better way that lead to a better life.
But, will there be? Will there be a day that human stop lies? It is human nature, we will lies. Mind you, this is not about small lies that will just flies. This is a big, huge, bombastic lies. Believe me, I heard and see how big and huge lies people can do. It is so humungous until there is no way covering it up.
I'm stunned, in awe. I need to breath fresh air. Why? Why? How come? All the question, all the curiosity, everything. I need to know why? But how I know, it is not lies I will get. How? So, I accept and let it be. Maybe it run in his dead red blood, maybe it is in his soul, in his vein and most of all in his genes.
So much so, I wish him all the best, best of the best in his poor sad life. Hope he learn something. A lesson. A precious one. Hope he open his eyes and pray for forgiveness. I do hope time on his side and he still have the chance to do that.
Believe me, I'm not lying....
Truly, madly, deeply

Aren't they adorable? They are! OMG, if I could have them....abah puhleasee!!!
For more cute and adorable angels...visit
Thanks to its founder neth! Cheers to all adorable and very irrisistable angels you have, Neth!
Thursday, May 29
Penang, here we come!!!!!
Nice place, well tho' not that very very very very exciting but the idea of holidaying with friends. We make it memorably exciting journey, lostness and tiredness. Everything in makes it enjoyable.
Picture...still in the camera. I'll definitely post it once I have the time.
Now, just read my above craps and thots!
Wednesday, May 28
Do I ?

Monday, May 26
Just Wait...
Monday, May 5
Just that

Last week been a very tiring week for our office. We have moved office not far just one more level up. Previously it is 1 unit and now becomes 2 units including our sister comany who will be doing production and entertainment. Nothing that I can elaborate. Nothing to share now.
Moving, everybody needs to make a move in life. We move when everything get static or doesn't even move. We moved when we are bored. We moved forward, backward and everyway we can. We move to be better and we moved because we must.
I believe when we move something in life it is for the better. I believe we moved because we want to get better and be better.I have moved, a lot of time infact. I know damn well, my life is better now because the move I made in previous days.
I have enjoyed from the morning till dawn, dawn till dusk. I have done that. I have live a life with nothing to do. Just sit at home, go out, have fun, and same thing again and again for three years. I have wasted my father's hard earned money a lot of times and I never regret.
But it's all in the past, I have moved since then. I am not proud of the life i had before but at least i know, when I'm old, I will not think "Shit, i shud've done that". Yes, I have wasted a little bit of my life but I am satisfied for I can now be me. What I am today.
At least I know now, it is time for me to sit at home, watching TV, laugh at my family stupid jokes, cries when there are need to, be there whenever it is good and bad times. I am not anti social but I choose to be one. I have gone through a lot of pain and bad times till i feel like I don't need any friend now and I don't have to trust my friends. All i need is my family. They will surely be there when I need then the most, vice versa.
Yes, I know I've been mean but no. I don't believe such things as loyal friends. No matter how close people be, there will always be things that they will not tell you, things that they kept as a secret and when you know, it will hurt you. Most of the time from someone else.
There are alot of hypocrites in this world. I know now how careful people be they will somehow step on something they trying to avoid.
For that, I have to be extra careful living in the world full of disguise, hate and greed.
It's just that...
Monday, April 28
Moving on
Thursday, April 24
Work wok!
Yes, I do. In fact my dad, my 2 brothers also working in the same industry. It's stressful but interesting yes, it's interesting stressful kinda way. I work 5 1/2 days every week without off day. The off day I had only on Sunday. And yes, I stayed back in the office sometimes up to 2am. But not always.
And no, I am not workaholic. I just have to do what I'm suppose to do. This is a lesson to all the youngsters, it is actually not easy to get money. You have to work your ass off to have something to eat. My, my...I'm that old, I'm actually lecturing to youngsters?
Ok, cut the crap short... I just stop by to say hi to my blog but I end up writing few paragraphs. So I'll stop here cause I really need to get back to work.
Until then, I'll be back for more! :)
Wednesday, April 23
Blog Hopping...The Red DiVa?

Monday, April 21
Past Happenings! goes! We celebrate daddy b'day in Nelayan Seafood Restaurant. Nice and well, I like it. It's not a posh place or the greatest place in KL but it's ok..Food was ok and price was reasonable.
Thanks to all who make this surprise a blast! I am not a very patience person. I try to upload the pic but it seems extrociously slow so please direct yourself to this link. You can find all the glory here.
Tuesday, April 8
Everyday I have the same life routine, every single day ...well except for weekend, at least!. I am bored, really! I can puke but I may not realise because I am too bored. Or maybe the world is going upside down and I am still not realise cause I am too bored. Really bored with my every weekdays routine.
I wakes up at 6.45, shower and get dress. Arrive office at 8.00, bfast and start working at 9-6 with the same ol boring stuff, write e-mail, get shout, shout at people, on the phone, not on the phone, write e-mail again, meeting, meeting, meeting, get shout again...bla bla bla....bluekkkk!!
Please someone, hear my pain and cries...please give me non-boring well paid job so I can have my life back...I am totally bored, I could kill a doll and I thought it's bleeding...
You know what I don't deserve life was not this shitty boring everyday same ol' boring day...I have a very cheery merry life...what happened???? I decided to put it behind and i forgot to took it back...It makes me now a misreable depressed boring shitty head woman..
too bored to type about this boring topic
Saturday, March 29
Tuesday, March 11
New Government??

As world know, we just finish our 12th election on the 8th of March 2008 and personally, it was devastating to see the fall of BN legacy in this nation. As much as I love BN, as much as me being the avid supporter, I actually agree that we need second voice, other opinion in the parliament or to rule a democratic nation. I think it is the right time to wake people up, as we have been sleeping and being complacent for too long. This is the time to buck up and start over.
I am not the obsessed supporter but I do love my country and I am totally stand for what's right for this country.
Enough of me being patriotic, just to let everyone in this whole wide world knows that although we have been hit with election Tsunami or opposition have 'landslide' won the 5 baby states and the share market drops tremendously yesterday, we are still doing great. Peaceful and harmony like we always do...same as before election. We are still the same multi racial Malaysian despite our diffrences in our parties.
So, please do not believe all the speculation or romours, we are still the same ol' Malaysian with new government...:(
Friday, February 29
Everything aside, let me share what happen on Thursday. Yes, Thursday was my birthday, the most anticipated day, the getting old boring alone day. Yes, I am a year older on last Thursday. Thanks to all my dear friends and families who wishes me.
I have been longing to buy M by Mariah perfume since the perfume first lauch but I haven't got the time to go perfume hunting. So I just keep my dream in far far away land. Tuck it nicely in my pillow. Just let it be a dream...nice huh!
Lucky enough I have a very understanding cum outstanding cum extravaganza sister who always remember bits and pieces about me...and she actually bought me the perfume...yes the perfume!!! The M by Mariah perfume...the dream, blow me away perfume i have been longing nite and day...I luv you!!!! (Yes, to my sister, my boss, my shouting partner, my friend and my taiwanese colleague)
And now...I'm the proudest owner of M by Mariah....awesome...just awesome!

Picture below taken when we were having our dinner at The Apartment at The Curve. There's no word could describe how thankful I am to found someone like you guy/gals. You are the light that lit up my way, like the walking stick for a blind man. Thanks you all, thanks a million for spending your precious time with me. I am proud to have a friend like you.