Tuesday, January 21

Miserable Me...

I tried to keep my words. I tried to write as much as I can but I guess there's one of the many things I couldn't do consistently. I have updated this miserable blog last April 2013. Nearly a year  from now. Well not a year but it's nearly a year. if I need to make a living by writing, I'm sure by now I am living in a box (only if the box could fit me) 

Apart from the whining, grumbling and complaining, at least this year I did start with something new. Alhamdulillah, god grant my wish. I got a new job at this place i have been eyeing for so long. I am so thankful at least i got to learn something new and hopefully more adventurous from the last job. 

Yes, another new year and I will be a year older. That's depressing. Depressing when other people around you keep asking the same questions. I just wished they don't but I knew that they care. It's depressing it makes you want to cocoon yourself or start living in a shell.  But, i learn from the past there is no use for shouting or being sarcastic. They will never stop asking and best is don't bother. Answer when you want to answer and don't when you don't feel the need to. Again, yes I am still single and not married and well if you do know someone i might be interested or vice versa do fill up the form. As my previuos post, i believe when the time comes god will eventually send someone in my way. I know he is out there somewhere probably still waiting for the right time. that's my answer. 

I know I suppose to take my license last year, but plan changed. With my dad condition, i plan to finish it by this year. seriuosly, wish me tons of luck. I need that so much. Me and car... i never thought i need to do this. But, it seems the right thing to do now. If not for me then it's for my dad. At least. 

Have you ever feel like you like someone but then you just realize it's not going to work out. So you just push it away? But you can't seem quite get over it? I think I did feel it but I know we are not heading the same path so I just stopped. It's difficult and frankly, I still can't get over it now but I know I must. He is just not my Mr. Right. Maybe he is just not destined for me. 

i have so much to write, it get jumble up in my head and i can't seem to get it out... so i think i better stop writing now and i'll make sure to write again when everything seems clear. Till then...I wish we will have a great year and a blessful one! 
