Tuesday, April 19

I think I am LONELY

With all due respect, i am making a confession now... i am freaking lonely. I feel I am and yes, I think I do. This is the time that, most of you will tell me see I told you so...or worst laughing your ass off. Haha! yes, I am lonely...I went to work alone, went to dinner alone even stay at home alone. Have I get tired of being alone? Honestly sometimes, I do but most of the time I don't mind. When I do feel lonely at least I know how to keep myself occupied. 

As a result of being alone too much, I sometimes feel suffocated when surrounded by people.  I did mentioned 'sometimes'. Don't get me wrong but we do need our own little time sometimes but i think i need it most of the time LOL. And friends, if you do ever ask me out and sometimes I said no...sometimes I really don't have the time but sometimes i really don't feel like it. Do 30 years old people get this feeling? I don't know but lately I have this lazy feeling. Lazy to go out or lazy to socialise but I force myself to do it for the sake of doing it. 

When comes to life partner or getting married? I still feel half hearted. Yes, I don't have anyone and yes I am sadly single tho' most of my ex-bfs are happily married with kids. Good for them but no, I don't feel frustrated and i don't feel depressed. I feel happy for them, seriously! I feel half hearted simply because I love my freedom and simply because I have been on my own for many years and i'm used to it. Is there anyone in mind? Yes, I do but I think it is too far to grasp. I better look to the reality not fantasy and deep inside I know it just too impossible to happen. 

I have been thinking and hoping far too long and the fact is I am head over heels doesn't make any sense at all. How can I be so vulnerable and I am hating myself for that. I'm trying to walk pass it, thru it, underneath it or over it and i am still trying. The fact that I could not tell the person the truth is hurting but i need to do it. Simply because I don't want to be in this way and I don't want to feel this way. The uncertain feeling. I know i can do it and I know I will have to do it eventually...Like I said I'm loving my freedom and loneliness too much. 

If only i have the guts to say it outloud. If only I have the courage to look straight and tell the truth. If only I dare to know the answer. But it won't happen caused i could and never do it. So I will let it slide and try not to regret it...

Guess, I'm gonna stay single and alone, sadly for now hmmm....

Saturday, April 16

Pretty awesome

Well well well... Let me count. It has been a year and prolly a month I stopped babbling. And believe me a lot have happened since. For instance I'm a year older and I am officially but not so proudly yet 30. Yes, 30!! Even typing the number makes me depressed. (Slap myself to reality now)
My brother have new interest which is rabbit and guess what? My dad interest is buying new rabbit and let me tell you we started with 6 rabbits and now we end up with whole lot more. I will try to post the pictures next time. And now they need to do the thinking 'where the hell they want to accomodate all those rabbit?" Perhaps buys a farm?
Oh well, my sister already have a baby. Our sweetheart and our own tomatoman Mohd. Rayyan Firdaus. Omg! He is adorable and the cutest little thing and today, my sis in law is in the ward and will be in OT tomorrow morning. She will need to do ceasarean. So we will be heading to Malacca tonite. Pity her. First child and my brother weren't there for her. Well this is what happen if you marry a sailorkan... I know she will be strong. She was strong for this 9 month and she could make it for another few days.
I can go on and on and on but typing from phone is not actuaLly easy and it strained my eyes. I know I know I could zoom but well I choose not to haha!
I'll blog somemore next time but now I want to go to the kitchen and see if my rice is ready. I'm having lunch at 6pm today hmmm...