Dear brother, I do sincerely hope she is the right choice and you will be very happy with her. Thank you for everything you done for us all this while and now it's your time to spread your wings and fly...Love...
Saturday, November 28
Ezad's wedding...
Ezad is my second brother. All this while, I always regard him as my little brother that still need our attention. Well, I just don't realise he have grown so much that he now is ready to build his own family. I really wish he wolud be happy and she is the right choice for her despite all the thing that happened.
Dear brother, I do sincerely hope she is the right choice and you will be very happy with her. Thank you for everything you done for us all this while and now it's your time to spread your wings and fly...Love...

Dear brother, I do sincerely hope she is the right choice and you will be very happy with her. Thank you for everything you done for us all this while and now it's your time to spread your wings and fly...Love...
Saturday, November 21
Is this his destiny?

I am troubled this couple of weeks. Well not me actually, my mind is. I was brought up not to believe with this black magic or spells things. Well, we know it's there but we don't actually think it will happen to us. We believe in finding our own money, believe in our own destiny. And most importantly, believe in god's fate. Whatever happened it has been written for us.
My the last person on earth that I could think of to be in this shitty situation. Yes, you heard about people telling others stories of love potion, stories how a man or woman tried some other way to get whoever their desire. And you could have never think that one day it will happen to you or your family.
His bride to be,the chosen one is never the girl that we fond of. As for others, it is not hate but mostly annoyed. What can I say. she still too young to notice the persuasion and obsession is driving others crazy. It is beyond every word can described. We do our very best to accept make her one of the family though it seems difficult. It is just because of my brother.
There is something not quiet right. Something different about her. something a bit off. But we tried to brush it aside. My brother seems to lost his way and more and more not becoming himself. I will not elaborate this issue as I know it's really a sensitive issues for most. I will leave it as it is.
The fear, the chaos and the hope. Fear we will lost him once he step into their world, chaotic situation we have to faced for this past weeks and hoping that whatever we have done is worth it and actually enough to save him.
Whatever the reason maybe we do know one thing money is not everything and could not buy love. I hope one day my brother will come accross this blog and read this. I hope that he knew we have done all that we can and all that we could within our means to save him and to bring him back. We hope and pray it is enough.
Despite everything, I hope god will bless his wedding on this coming Nov 29 and I hope everything will work out as planned.
And now, we just hope, pray and wait...
Sunday, November 8
Nana Simple B'day...
24.09.2009... It's my lovey dovey sister birdday.
Yes, this is at least one and half month old story. Don't blame me, blame the house area that is so freaking ly new that even telecom have not recognised it yet. I will not bore you with all the details. I'll just post all the picture.
By the way, how lucky you are to have a very sporting and understanding mother in law. This surprise cake cutting was organised by her mother in law.

Yes, this is at least one and half month old story. Don't blame me, blame the house area that is so freaking ly new that even telecom have not recognised it yet. I will not bore you with all the details. I'll just post all the picture.
By the way, how lucky you are to have a very sporting and understanding mother in law. This surprise cake cutting was organised by her mother in law.
Too late raya post...
Since moving to the new house, dah la takde internet so I can only blog through mym ind. I missed blogging a lot. tho' bukannya pandai sangat writing but I do missed this little space I have to be able to type all my thots.
first and foremost, raya this year not as happening as all those raya I had years back. Raya is so so. Except for the fun to see all our aunts including my mom wearing the same baju kurung and watching momok movie at the cinemas with all the cousins anything else was all same same and same.
They are cute aren't they?

first and foremost, raya this year not as happening as all those raya I had years back. Raya is so so. Except for the fun to see all our aunts including my mom wearing the same baju kurung and watching momok movie at the cinemas with all the cousins anything else was all same same and same.
They are cute aren't they?
Tuesday, August 18
Hi all...
I have not been writing since forever... I have to admit I am actually missing it...damn a lot! Tho' I'm not much of a writer but I think it's ok actually for my own reading and whoever actually nice enough to read it.
A lot has been happening since a month ago. My dad's cat Lilo is finally pregnant and now is waiting to give birth...cepat la lilo..excited ni...well until this blog is written she is still pregnant and still has not officially become mommy yet. Cepat la Lilo...
My sister? She is actually adjusting well with married life. I guess she's born with it. Well, as for me... I am still adjusting life without her...and I think I'm coping well with it. I have been asked about marriage more often now since my sister married and my brother is on the way to be married. My answer is simple...I am not ready just yet and also I don't have anybody...Well, i think even if I have someone it's still the same. I am not ready to take this heavy commitment of sharing my life with someone else. Maybe not just yet.
Well, I know at this age I actually already been married at least 3 years but as people says age is just a number...and if you feel you are not ready you just not I do hope people stop asking such questions. You know I'm actually ready when you receive my invitation card. Hopefully...
My brother? Well, 70% of his wedding preparations is actually done. His fiancee, I am actually been trying to accept her into our family and cause I know I have to actually give her this chance and being fair to him. Well, I also love my brother so I sacrifice this much for him. He has been helping me a lot all this while. Not only me, actually our family. He been there for so many things until my parents mistaken him as their first child and i'm the second child...see how important he is...
So as his sister and the one he always share stories with since our younger days...I let my guard down and I accept his fiancee to my life and to my family life. I think she is still trying to cope with it. She's 20 and you can expect her to be childish in certain ways.
For this past few weeks I have been having strong feeling to start covering my head/wearing hijab (tudung in malay). I think it might be the time for me to open a new book and start to head for improvement. Major improvement. I need to improvise and i need to start a new. I don't want to be the same ol' me. I want to be the new me. I'm getting older and hopefully i'll be getting wiser. Insyallah. And I do hope,I'll be on the right path.
Since the spread of the deadly virus AH1N1, hope everone will be more cautious, wear mask and take care of your own cleanliness. Let's pray we could prevent this virus from spreading and killing more very soon.
A lot has been happening since a month ago. My dad's cat Lilo is finally pregnant and now is waiting to give birth...cepat la lilo..excited ni...well until this blog is written she is still pregnant and still has not officially become mommy yet. Cepat la Lilo...
My sister? She is actually adjusting well with married life. I guess she's born with it. Well, as for me... I am still adjusting life without her...and I think I'm coping well with it. I have been asked about marriage more often now since my sister married and my brother is on the way to be married. My answer is simple...I am not ready just yet and also I don't have anybody...Well, i think even if I have someone it's still the same. I am not ready to take this heavy commitment of sharing my life with someone else. Maybe not just yet.
Well, I know at this age I actually already been married at least 3 years but as people says age is just a number...and if you feel you are not ready you just not I do hope people stop asking such questions. You know I'm actually ready when you receive my invitation card. Hopefully...
My brother? Well, 70% of his wedding preparations is actually done. His fiancee, I am actually been trying to accept her into our family and cause I know I have to actually give her this chance and being fair to him. Well, I also love my brother so I sacrifice this much for him. He has been helping me a lot all this while. Not only me, actually our family. He been there for so many things until my parents mistaken him as their first child and i'm the second child...see how important he is...
So as his sister and the one he always share stories with since our younger days...I let my guard down and I accept his fiancee to my life and to my family life. I think she is still trying to cope with it. She's 20 and you can expect her to be childish in certain ways.
For this past few weeks I have been having strong feeling to start covering my head/wearing hijab (tudung in malay). I think it might be the time for me to open a new book and start to head for improvement. Major improvement. I need to improvise and i need to start a new. I don't want to be the same ol' me. I want to be the new me. I'm getting older and hopefully i'll be getting wiser. Insyallah. And I do hope,I'll be on the right path.
Since the spread of the deadly virus AH1N1, hope everone will be more cautious, wear mask and take care of your own cleanliness. Let's pray we could prevent this virus from spreading and killing more very soon.
Sunday, July 5
Orange Day...
I always think orange is colour of energy, vibrant and also it's making people who wear it looks obviously cheerful...LOL! And i believe I'm quite right in that belief I have.
My office have come out with this theme last Friday. Whereby everyone was encourage to wear something orange and someone will be chosen a winner. Someone standout obviously. And guess what,everyone did feel happy and closer that day...Is it because of the colour or because we all goes out for lunch together in one group? Well, I would like to believe it's actually because of the colour and also because our boss, Wing Hun treat us for lunch. Thanks Wing Hun!!!!

My office have come out with this theme last Friday. Whereby everyone was encourage to wear something orange and someone will be chosen a winner. Someone standout obviously. And guess what,everyone did feel happy and closer that day...Is it because of the colour or because we all goes out for lunch together in one group? Well, I would like to believe it's actually because of the colour and also because our boss, Wing Hun treat us for lunch. Thanks Wing Hun!!!!

Saturday, July 4
Update! Update!!
Well, it's been 2 months...I have not been able to update this blog. First, it's the wedding...Yes, it's finally ended. The tiredness, the chaosness, the happiness and sadness. Yes, it's finally ended blissfully with full of blessing. Alhamdulillah...
We have moved into our new house in Cheras and loving every bit of it! Well, rumah ni quite big for the two of us but hopefully it will be comfortable for our growing familykan bah? After Nana's wedding there will be one more wedding...Ezad. It will be insyallah on this 29th of Nov.
Well, looking back...I realized my once little brother and sister has grown up to be a man and woman now. They now ave their own responsibility and own family to take care. Hopefully, whoever or whatever they become and how busy they are they always remember their family especially mom & dad. Even how busy they are managing their life...
I wanted to share bits and pieces of the big day with all of you and before that i would like to give credit to Faiq (he force me to) for letting me using his lappy. This house is so new it's not in the Telekom list yet so our internet got to wait!
Here goes...



We have moved into our new house in Cheras and loving every bit of it! Well, rumah ni quite big for the two of us but hopefully it will be comfortable for our growing familykan bah? After Nana's wedding there will be one more wedding...Ezad. It will be insyallah on this 29th of Nov.
Well, looking back...I realized my once little brother and sister has grown up to be a man and woman now. They now ave their own responsibility and own family to take care. Hopefully, whoever or whatever they become and how busy they are they always remember their family especially mom & dad. Even how busy they are managing their life...
I wanted to share bits and pieces of the big day with all of you and before that i would like to give credit to Faiq (he force me to) for letting me using his lappy. This house is so new it's not in the Telekom list yet so our internet got to wait!
Here goes...



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