I have not been updating my blog since forever. I think the idea goes away with the tiredness, moodyness and " i remember the pillow softness" during this ramadhan month.
Well, yes, this holy month should be celebrated and we should be bless during this holy month. And silly me, I am not suppose to complaint. Forgive me, god. I am just a normal human being who like to complaints and never satisfied.
Yes, I did think that. We never satisfied and we like to complaint. Not for certain things but EVERYTHING!. Instead of saying thanks, we complained, complained and complained and we always want a lot more....especially free things. See, I am complaining now about complaining.
Doesn't you think so? I think that is happening to Malaysian nowadays and quite frankly i am sick and tired of this political hu-ha happening now. For god sake people, we are Malaysian and we suppose to be one. Whatever, racist issue they are talking about now, is seriously not good and quite annoying.
For me, living in the country with a lot of different races, we need to accept other belief and flaws. Doesn't matter you are Malay, Chinese, Kadazan, Indian or etc, we are still Malaysian. I believe we have forget and even worst forget our identity. It is sad, sad to see the news and devastated when reading the newspaper...at one point I feel like I want to vaporise myself into the earth and pretend I did not know anything.
I hope we all will be bless in this holy month and I hope we will be Malaysian again. This is me being patriotic. This is me being Malaysian. And this is me being so sick and tired of all the things happening.