This is all because of the event. This is all because of it. Well, hopefully all worth while though we belive it is.
Despite all the headache we gone through, the artist will definitely arrived tomorrow morning. When I said morning, it really is very early morning. Around 6am. You could not believe how far people can be when they know they are celebrity. Eventho' they might be famous around middle east...but well you can't blame there middle east is really is a mass market. Compare to Malaysia, duh!
As a Malaysian, I will say I rather impress with their voice. Yes, the male singer especially they might not have the face, but the voice....well Hussain Al Jasmi especially. He really have that golden voice. The voice you wanted to hear while tuck yourself in at night, the voice that is wow! compare to the rest. Well, this is only my 2 cent thoughts after listening to his song almost 8 hours everyday.
And for the female, yes, most of them Lebanese (well, the one I know and the one we bring in) and yes most of them have whole lot of surgery done and yes, they indeed are too beautiful and oppsss...sexy. Well, yes they are revealingly sexy. But of all that, they have the voice. The manja-manja voice. I bet most guys like them because of this. Who doesn't huh?
But at least this experience have open my eyes to other music culture, if last time I thought middle eastern music is mostly nasyid or same as most Malaysian thought that middle eastern woman suppose to wear hijab at least now, we can open our eyes and look at middle east differently.
For a start, no not everybody wear hijab and no, you are not required to wear the abayya or hijab when you visit middle east. And yes, they sing modern song and not only nasyid and yes, not all middle east is muslim.
I'm actually still in the office and steal a bit of my time writing this blog.
As the terms is stealing, I need to go and to do the unfinished business I have waiting for me....Till then...